

Announcements, Human Resources, Press Releases

Chelsea Building Products Long-Term Technical Service Representative Announces Retirement

Human Resources

Steve Shean will retire January 2025

Chelsea Building Products announces the retirement of Steve Shean, Technical Service Representative. Shean has been with the company for 38 years.

First hired as a production worker on the extrusion line, Shean held various positions in production until making his way to Technical Service. Moving on from the extrusion operation, Shean became a member of its Allied Products Division as a “Lead” person. During this time, he was integral in developing methodology and techniques for various architectural shapes, including circle tops.

While in Technical Service, Shean oversaw countless fabricator start-ups and upgrades, including plant layouts, and implemented countless process improvement programs, equipment research and requirements, implementation, and customer employee training to ensure a smooth partnership with Chelsea Building Products.

“Steve Shean has been a dedicated employee to Chelsea Building Products and the many customers he has helped and partnered with over so many years. He not only aided and supported their manufacturing needs, but became a friend to many,” said Phil Marshall, Director of Engineering at Chelsea Building Products. Marshall continued, “he mastered the art of bending vinyl profiles in the early days and has been a valued presence in the field since the beginning.”

Shean will retire on January 31, 2025.

Architectural shape created by Steve Shean

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